Highness Capital

St. Stephen’s Community House (SSCH) and childcare costs in Toronto

St. Stephen’s Community House (SSCH), is a leading childcare provider for the city and opened registration for its latest site at Canoe Landing. Registration filled up at an alarming rate: 3 minutes leading to hundreds of families on the waiting list. While the opening of a new location is great news for Toronto and a proud moment for us as board members, the issues around availability of affordable childcare have never been highlighted.

This article discusses some of the issues with childcare costs in Toronto: https://www.thespec.com/news-story/9166489-toronto-parents-pay-the-highest-child-care-fees-in-the-country-elsewhere-in-canada-provinces-are-capping-the-burden/Visit this link for more information on SSCH childcare services: https://www.sschto.ca/Children/Locations